On Sodom Pond

Postcards from rural Vermont

Live like a mofo


cropped-mid-october-022.jpgYou know how they tell you that when one door closes, another one opens? Well, I’m here to tell you it’s just not true.

100 open.

I have been amazed at the calls,greetings,hello’s, talks, shoulders to cry on, people offering sing-a-longs and dinners, quiet talks and places to live. Clients come and an agent wants to see your book. I am going to walk through every one of those doors in spite of the fact that part of me wants to settle down for a long winter’s nap. (I bought 5 pillows at Target today).


As my analyst said yesterday as I sniffled and stuttered: “If life doesn’t feel dangerous, you’re not doing it right.”

What dangerous thing will you do today? Invite a neighbor for tea? Read a poem to a friend? 

You are being taken care of.


2 thoughts on “Live like a mofo

  1. What the always wise only-the-Jodi said. You go!

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